What are you listening to?




It’s been unpredictable weather lately, and it seems like the rainy season (Tsuyu) has already started!




This project is 

“ What are you listening to?” 

which we’ve done before twice.


We asked questions which are listed below to students in APU.

① 聴いている曲

② 聴いている理由

③ その曲を聴くときはどんな時?

① What music are you listening?

② The reasons why you are listening.

③ When do you listen to the song?


藤本りかこさん (APM/2回生)

We found a friend who is very close to us.

Rikako Fujimoto (APM/ 2nd year)

①  DR. WHOEVER / Amine’

② 何も考えずに聞いてる。今、上がる曲!

She listens to the song without thinking. This song makes her excited.

③ 1人で歩いているときに聞く

While she’s walking alone.


Next is Mizuki Nasu (APS/ 1st year)

① Boy with Luv / BTS

② いまチャートで1位だから

Because this song is on the top of the chart.

③ テンションを上げたい時

When she wants to lift her up.

最後を飾るのはKim Donghyunさん! (APM/2回生)

The last person we interviewed is Kim Donghyun! (APM/2nd year)

① 20/20 / Crown The empire

② 気分がいいから

Because he feels good when he listens to this song.

③ このバンドの曲を1日2曲聞く


He listens to songs from this band twice a day.

He really does like this band’s music very much!




We asked these three people! Thank you for your cooperation.

By the way, I (shiho) listen to various genre such as J-POP and K-POP! But basically, I listen to some kind of music which makes me excited because I want to lift me up! These three people listen to foreign music maybe because they are in APU. I want to know about the artists who are famous in one country but not being known so well in Japan. Bye!


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