

Hi! June is almost over and the summer break is coming in only a month! Yaaas!



This is the second time we interviewed someone in APU! This time we’d like to introduce a person who decided to take a year off from APU but stay in Beppu! 

平末健人(ひらすえ けんと)さん 4回生で休学中 21歳

別府を拠点に写真家として活動中で、4月にbeppu life写真展(グループ展)を開催して、個人ではbeppu lovers photobookを作っているよ

Kento Hirasue 4th year and taking a year off (21)

Currently he’s working as a photographer in Beppu, and will be holding a photo exhibition in April with his co-photographer. As an individual work, he’s working on the photo book called “Beppu lovers photobook”.



“Taking photos is one of my tools to express myself and it feels like cameras are part of my body”

He told what is taking picture for him to us. At first, that his grandfather loved cameras influenced him so he started taking pictures, but it gradually has become a tool for him to communicate with people when he was in high school.





What made him decide to make a photobook was that he wanted to send them! Many people are in his photos. Because he has identity that He wants to change people who are in radius of 10 meter at first. This is one of his identities like “For achieving big dream, we have to let people around us be satisfied.”


I don’t want to blame my environment. I always try to think if I really did my best or not wherever I will be.


His life in APU and Beppu, he thinks what he can do and value doing the best in here even though there are less information than urban area such as Tokyo.




I love the moment when I share the pictures I took with my friends. That’s the moment I look forward to every time, and that keeps me doing all this stuff.

The common point through the hobby that he has found (go ask him if you want to know! He has had many interesting things!) is “ Take photos as something we can keep”.




He has found what he like about taking photos himself because he communicates various people by taking photos.

When it comes to taking photos, I try to be humble how much other people say good stuff about my work.

This is also the one of his motivations!



Maybe many people think that “Having no classes but staying in Beppu” is unusual way of taking a year off. But he told us that “I really like Beppu! Good point of being here is people. Each person is shining and there are many people doing self-expression. There is a bond between people”. From those words, we can get the meaning why he is staying here.

He really thinks that Beppu is a good place and he wants to build a photographic culture in here so he is staying and doing what he can do with his best.





He is coming to campus and making actions like planning a project or taking photos even he is not taking classes. He said what the impressive thing is “I can meet people who I would never be meeting if I am not taking a year off”.

We can tell that he is active because he is meeting and communicating with a lot of people.

He said “What I wish I could do is becoming real” because he makes actions by himself and he hs confidence about that.

Also, he said that “I can say I achieved nothing in APU when someone ask me what I did in here” but he always wants to improve the skill of taking photos so he is using this year as much as possible. 




He is very busy for planning project with other people and making his own photobook. The first book will finish by the end of this year and also the second one has started!

He will hold a photo exhibition on Open Campus days (14th July, 4th August, and 3rd November)  with many other APU students which represents Beppu life and he is planning the event in December as well!




When I get to know famous people in Beppu, that means I can meet many other people too. That is a very exciting thing and it’s like “everyone is friend”.

I think this feeling is something special!

He was telling us that “taking photos is fun!” with happy face during interview. Please find a chance to talk with him through photograph or Beppu. You can get a lot of interesting things from Kento san!!

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