夏休み記事 Part1夏旅編

心に残る旅行/ Impressively trip

こんにちは!春セメスター終わりましたね~ 自分は振り返ってみると大学生らしく過ごせたセメスターだったなと思っています笑 みなさんは春セメスターの振り返ってみてどうでしたか?




Hello~ This is written by Kazuma. We finished the Spring semester~ My personal review for this semester was so hard but I enjoyed every activity. How was your semester~?

Then, we moved on to the Summer break~ It’s still in a severe situation, some may feel it is difficult to decide whether to return to Hometown or to stay in Beppu due to the situation. However, from this article, Beppaper members are divided into 2 teams, 3 members will post in August and 4 members will post in September. I would like to introduce the journey that is remaining in my memory because I like traveling and it’s summer break!!

I’ve been to many places, especially in Hokkaido. I will introduce the memorable trip! I hope you enjoy it.

旅の定義/Definition of journey


Before I share the impressive trip, I would like to start by introducing the concept of journey. Basically, my purpose of going to some places is to enjoy the sound of nature and make time for relaxing because I grew up in a rural place and I planted some vegetables when I was an elementary school student, I heard some sounds of the birds and trees. Therefore, I started to travel around Hokkaido by JR to see the landscape.

思い出の地/Favorite place


So, I would like to start by introducing the place. The name of this place is Misakinomori Higashiyama Park located in Shiranuka town which is locating in the east of Hokkaido. It takes 4 and half hours to get to this spot from Sapporo(Train:4 hours and Walking for 20 min ) From this place, you can see the Pacific ocean like in the picture below, Shiranuka town and many other points. If you are lucky you can see the sunset. I will talk about the details of this place.

南側に広がる太平洋/Seeing from south side, Pacific Ocean


Due to Misakinomori Higashiyama Park being a place that is not popular and convenient for tourists to get there, I could enjoy the view for 30 min without any tourists. I can enjoy many different views like Kushiro city from the east side, the Pacific ocean from the south side, Shiranuka town from the west side, and trees from the north side, I heard that Higuma(Scary Bear living in Hokkaido) may appear on this spot, I nervous about that. Soon, Ksan, who is living in Shiranuka town came. I talked with him about why he came here and also because having a conversation with local people would be a good opportunity to learn the history of this town. He said he often comes to this park to relax during the break and he is taking care of sheep.


I talked about many things at the park and the time passed so fast. Finally, I got an SNS account from him, and drove me to the station. I truly appreciate his action. I think a chance encounter is the epitome of a journey, I could notice that through this journey.


I couldn’t return to Hokkaido this summer, I hope I can meet him again~

東側、貨物列車と奥に釧路市街地/Seeing from the east side, freight train, and Kushiro city

以上、かずまの思い出深い夏休みの旅行記でした! いかがでしたか?



That’s all for Kazuma’s impressive journey during the summer break, how was it?

The style of traveling has so many choices like eating specialty food and sightseeing. Through this article, I hope some start to travel to minor places and enjoy a new perspective of traveling!

Lastly, Thank you for reading my article, other Beppaper members will write fantastic articles for 6 weeks, please wait until next Saturday!


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