
こんにちは~。今回は初めて記事を書くことになりますけんたろうが担当します! もうちょっとで長い夏休みだね~。


 今回の記事は今月29日にマルチカルチュラルデイを開催する学生団体REACTについて。 私たちはREACTのリーダーを務める一回生のナマン君にZOOMでインタビューしてきたよ~! 


Hello~  I'm Kentaro! This is the first time I’ve written an article! 

It's going to be a long summer holiday soon! I don't have any thoughts about the scent of the summer sea...I don't want to sweat! I don't want to get my clothes dirty! So I'm going to stay at home and read books, listen to music and watch movies... How about you??

This article is about REACT, a student organization who is holding a multicultural day on the 29th of this month. We interviewed Naman, a first year student who is the leader of REACT! 

REACTって?/What is REACT? 



これまでにAPU HANDS(学生支援を行う大学教員、APU卒業生からなる団体)と協力して学生に食べ物やTシャツを提供したり、COOPのパンを無料配布したり、宝さがしのイベントやソフトクリームの配布を行ったり...このセメスターで様々な活動をしてきたみたいです!1回目のイベントでは300人も集まったそうです!

REACT was established by the APU Office this April, the concept of this student activity is making students return to the APU campus through some events. Some may already know this student activity, the trade color is lavender! REACT consists of 7 International students and 10 Japanese students, in fact our member, Kazuma is also in this team.  

REACT distributed food and T-shirts at the first event, also distributed some bread which was baked by COOP, planned a treasure hunt event and distributed ice cream on campus, by cooperating with APU HANDS(Supported by APU alumni and faculty members). REACT did so many activities to achieve their purpose, there were more than 300 students participating in the first event!


The bread from coop, distributed by REACT


REACT looks so busy! But we heard that they divide the roles and act efficiently!

ナマン君はどうしてリーダーに?/ Why are you a leader of REACT? 

ー1回生でREACTのリーダーを務めるナマン君。 リーダーという役割は今回が初めての挑戦みたい。どうしてリーダーになったんだろう? 


ーNaman is a leader of REACT and 1st year.
It is his first time to be a leader. Why he chose to be the leader?  

「My Main purpose was to contribute my efforts to make the APU campus as lively as before. At the same time working with a diverse team has helped me to learn more about the working culture of other countries. I also wanted to enhance my communication skill and leadership skills. Therefore, I chose to be the leader.


Naman, the leader of REACT!

マルチカルチュアルデイについて教えてください!/ Let us know about Multicultural day!









ーIs multicultural day different from multicultural week?

Before coronavirus, APU held the multicultural week- a weekly event showcasing the languages and cultures of several countries and regions. It was one of the major events that bring APU to life. However, we failed to hold the multicultural week in the form of 7 days. So instead of multicultural week, REACT will hold a one day -multicultural event so that we can enjoy and experience other fascinating cultures, even during coronavirus!

 It sounds like it will be a fulfilling day! You may get to know a lot of countries in one day! 

ーwhat kind of activities do you do ?

「There will be several performances by the students such as performing their traditional dances.」

ーWhich countries will perform on multicultural day?

「5 countries from Indonesia, Vietnam, Korea, Thailand and Japan, the group will be 7.」

学生のみんなにメッセージ!/ Message for APU students!



「There are only a few students on campus due to the corona pandemic. Since REACT is planning and holding the events so that students can enjoy campus life like before the Corona crisis, we want you to come to campus.」

「On multicultural day, we hope that a lot of students will come with a smile to the campus as before and Students who have experienced the energy of APU campus previously will feel nostalgic. 」



Although I’m a second year student, I’ve never seen Multicultural Week. Not only that, I’ve only been to campus a few times because I don’t have any in-person classes. So I′m happy to see it back in the form of one day. Naman has a passionate heart. We got a glimpse of his strong feelings throughout this interview!






There is no chance to go to the campus and we can’t see friends, make new friends….

Campus isn't the same as before COVID-19 and a year might have been different from what we imagined.

However, in this situation, REACT is creating events to make everyone want to come to campus!

on 29th, Multi multicultural day will be held!

Try to participate while taking proper infection control measures!


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