夏休み記事 part2

An uneventful summer vacation filled with movies 


「夏休み」がテーマだけど夏のことについて書くとなると、暑いのが大嫌いで僕は夏の悪口をつらつらと書くことしかできない。信号待ちの間に日陰を探すときなんかはもううんざりしちゃって、どうして外に出てきちゃったんだろうっていつも思っちゃいます。夏は極力外に出ずに映画や本と共に夏を乗り切っています。旅らしい旅もしたことがなく、家族や友達と行った旅行について書くのもなんだか月並み。 そんな訳で、最近夏休み中に見返したりしている映画の中でおすすめのものをちょこっと紹介しようと思います。 

The second summer vacation article will be written by Kentaro!

This is a summer vacation article, and although I've decided to write about summer, all I can do is ramble on about how bad it is. I haven't even traveled as much as I would like to, and even writing about the trips I've taken with my family and friends is kind of mundane. For me, summer is the season of endurance. I hate the heat, and when I'm looking for shade while waiting at a traffic light, I'm so sick of it that I always wonder why I came outside. That's why I try my best not to go outside in the summer, but rather stay in an air-conditioned room and get through the summer with movies and books. I'd like to introduce some of the movies I've been watching and re-watching during my summer vacation.  


「時計仕掛けのオレンジ」、「2001年宇宙の旅」、「フルメタルジャケット」とかキューブリック監督の作品はどれも完璧でとってもアーティスティック。その中でもこの作品はたぶん見たことはなくても知らない人はいないと思う。 夏はやっぱりホラー映画かな?キューブリックの作品においてストーリーに触れることはなんだか憚れるんだけど、外界と完全に断絶されたホテルに家族とともに宿泊するジャックがどんどん正気を失って狂気的になっていくホラー映画の金字塔です! 

「The Shining」

A Clockwork Orange, 2001: A Space Odyssey, Full Metal Jacket, and all of Kubrick's works are so artistic and perfect. This is one of them that I think everyone knows, even if they haven't seen it before. In the summer, horror movies are the way to go. I'm afraid to talk about the story in Kubrick's work, but it's a masterpiece of horror movies in which Jack, who stays with his family in a hotel completely cut off from the outside world, loses his mind and becomes more and more insane! 


全米にある日突然殺人トマトがあらわれ人間を襲い始める!みたいな馬鹿みたいな映画。冒頭数分は本格ホラー演出から始まり、そのあとはいわゆるアメリカの馬鹿な展開。特別なCGが使われているわけでもなく、手作り感満載のでかいトマトが次々に人々に襲いかかります。 映画評論家の間では、「B級映画をも下回る「Z級映画」「不朽の駄作」とも評されている。」とかWikipediaに書かれているほど、この映画はほんとにくだらなくて最高。このくだらなさが大好きで友達なんかと観たらとっても楽しめるかも。 

「Attack of the Killer Tomatoes」

One day, killer tomatoes suddenly appear in the United States and start attacking people! It's a stupid movie. The first few minutes of the movie are full-blown horror, and the rest of the movie is so-called American idiocy. There's no special CG, just big tomatoes full of homemade flavor attacking people one after another. When I looked it up before, I found out that movie critics call it a "Z-grade movie" and an "enduring bad movie", which is lower than B-grade movies. This movie is so stupid that Wikipedia says it's the best. If you love this triviality and watch it with your friends, you will have a great time! I think sometimes you just want to watch a stupid movie, and I recommend this movie for those times. 


音楽とともに天才的なドライブセンスを発揮するドライバーのカーアクション映画。 ストーリーはなんてことないんだけど、音楽と映像のシンクロがとっても好き。 

「Baby Driver」

A car action movie about a driver who shows his genius driving sense with music. The story isn't much, but I love the synchronization of music and images. 



「Before Sunrise」

This is the story of two men and a woman who meet on a trip. It's like reading a novel, and their conversations about life and love are fascinating. It may be difficult to watch now, but it makes me want to go on a trip.



POPEYEの「誰かと話したくなる映画」では「刑務所の中」や「ブレックファスト・クラブ」とかいろんな映画が紹介されてました。この二つは大好きな映画で特におすすめです… POPEYEの回し者みたいだけど今月号はホラー映画の特集を組んでいるみたいなので是非チェックしてみてください。 

 I often look for movies that I like in magazines. The movie with a kind of nice vibe on the cover is "Patterson".

 POPEYE's "Movies that make you want to talk to someone" introduced "In Prison", "The Breakfast Club" and many other movies. These two are als recommended... I know I sound like a crank at POPEYE, but this month's issue seems to have a special feature on horror movies, so please check it out.

いかがでしたか?? 是非クーラーガンガンの部屋でベッドにでも寝転がりながら今回紹介した映画や自分のお気に入りの映画を探してみてください~!


Please try to find your own favorite movie while lying on your bed in an air-conditioned room~!

 The next article will be written by Haga-san! Look forward to it! 


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