わたしたちのクオーターブレイク!& 7人目のメンバー入りました!






まずは新メンバーの けんたろうの紹介から

Hi from Akita~ It's Risa! It’s getting hot day by day, how have you been?

I know I shouldn't but can’t stop taking naps and leave the assignments behind...

Everyone started your quarter two, I guess? Let’s hang in there together~ (don’t forget to take naps sometimes as well)!

So, our members who had a quarter break (well, Haga chan and I didn’t because we are on a domestic exchange program) will tell you about what they did during the break.

AND! Guess what, we have a new member Kentaro!

Here’s his self-introduction below

APS2回生・3セメスター/APS second year・third semester

大阪府出身 /from Osaka





Nice to meet you! I'm Matsumoto Kentaro, and I'm a second year student!

I became a member of Beppaper last month.

thank you~!

最初は2人から始まったBeppaper が今となっては7人目のメンバーを紹介できるまでに成長したなんて...



We started beppaper only with Risa and Mizuki, now we have seven of us...

We are super excited to have Kentaro as a new member, hope you are too!

Anyhow, now our members are writing about their quarter breaks.





2クオーターからも頑張ります !

Hi. I'm Kentaro!

During quarter break, I went back to my hometown Osaka.

Actually, It's been only a month since I moved to beppu because I took all my classes online in Osaka. But I went back to my hometown. I mean I'm homesick.(even though I'm a second year student...).

And my local friends gave me an early birthday party! I'm turning 20 this month. How did you feel when you turned 20? I feel like I'm just getting older....

Anyway, I'll do my best!


20th birthday party!




During 1 quarter, I couldn’t take a rest because I spent time on campus, I could refresh my mind through Quarter break! I went to Onsen without thinking about my assignments, took a walk at night, I could do something that I can’t do as usual. However, one sad thing happened to me. I purchased an Onsen pass that I can use for 30 times and I used this ticket 2 times. Because of lack of checking, I washed this ticket with my clothes and of course the ticket was broken. It means the cost for taking the Onsen was 1,500 yen per one time. Please be careful not to wash your valuable tickets with your clothes~

I had an accident, but I mostly spent my time by going to the library. Then as a trial, I teached Abacus to international students because I will teach abacus as a project. I couldn’t teach him well because of my lack of vocabulary and experimentation. I thought I need to study more to teach it more efficiently!

I want to keep challenging myself during Q2!


I purchased soft cream on the hot day〜


私のQBは、「休み」に全力を出しました〜笑 唯一出かけた旅行先として(県外には出れないので)大分県のアフリカンサファリに行ってきたヨ!アフリカンサファリって想像してたよりも4倍くらい大きくて、自分でも驚いたの。本当に大きかった。笑



My QB went all out on his "vacation". As the only destination I went to (since I can't go out of the prefecture), I went to the African Safari in Oita Prefecture! The African Safari is about four times bigger than I imagined it would be, and I was surprised. It was really big.

I got to touch guinea pigs, feed lions, and take a selfie with a kangaroo. I really wanted to become an animal and live a carefree life.

The second quarter has already started, but I'll try my best to keep my animal-like carefree attitude.


The memorable photo with kangaroo 🦘



映画は「グリーンブック」と「Felicita」という映画を見たよ~どっちもよかったけれど、何より自分の気分にしっくりくる映画を選べたことが嬉しかったです。とてもいい時間だった! 映画気になったら是非見てみてね!

Hi~ this is Mizuki.

I have only two QBs till graduation but I didn’t do anything and spent relaxing time during this QB. Sleep a lot, eat a lot, and watch movies and series… By spending time like this, I thought I maybe wasted a wonderful QB but also realised that this too relaxing time was necessary. So, as a result it was a good QB:)

I watched “Green book” and “Felicita”. Both of them were really good and I was especially happy that I could choose the movies that matched my feelings. It was really a good time so please check them if you feel interested!!


I like walking and went for walking during QB too. This season we can find hydrangeas easily and it makes me so happy! (photo from two years ago)




Hi - it’s Shiho.

I’m in my hometown because of practical training.

It’s not good to go out of prefectures though.I and my father went to Tochigi prefecture since he wanted to refresh. We went to Tobu world square and then various buildings were duplicated minutely so that it was very fun! I was in there for about 3 hours though, I felt like I was going on a round-the-world trip. If you have time, I recommend going there! It’s worth seeing the dolls which are duplicated minutely!


Tokyo sky tree, Himegi castle and Itsukushima shrine which have been built by the side of 1/25.




The rainy season started and it is getting not so great weather-wise, but let’s hang in there together during the second quarter as well!

Share your fun quarter break memories too if you have ones on the comment section of our Instagram or below, wherever you want ;)


Follow us on:

Instagram: @beppaper_apu

Facebook: Beppaper APU

Twitter: @beppaper_apu


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