

 Hello everyone! This is IKEMEN IKEJO, the corner which introduces you to APU's handsome guys and beautiful girls! This time we got a lot of fresh and young guys and girls! So enjoy! 


First one is first year girl! Sophia Kamiya from Tokyo! We have been hearing the rumor that there is a super pretty first year girl even before this interview. And actually she was super duper pretty! 


Her hobby is Hena tatoo. She likes to draw by herself. Also she is joining kickboxing circle but apparently she hasn't learned how to kick yet! 


 I know everyone is wondering if she has boyfriend or not! And....unfortunately she has!!! He is Japanese New Zealander and is her senior. They have been dating for 5months. 

 そんな可愛いソフィアちゃんが好きになっちゃうタイプとはズバリ!「不思議ちゃん」。肩から胸にかけてがフェチだそうで、鍛えられた筋肉の上にお肉がのっていてほしい!というなんだか変わった趣味をしていますね〜(笑) そんなところも可愛いソフィアちゃんを落とした告白は、先輩たちとの打ち上げ合宿中に言われた、「待たせてごめんね」という言葉とともにだったそうです。 

Type of the guy who sophia likes is someone with airhead! She likes guy's shoulder to chest with mascles but also some fat! That's kinda weird and funny preferance but that is also cute of her! The word her boyfriend could get her was, "Sorry for making you wait"! 

最近の胸キュンポイントは、指輪を買ってもらったこと!素敵ですねぇ〜〜♡ とりあえず自分の部屋にいることが多いというソフィアちゃん、どうしても会ってみたい方はAPハウス2で張り込んでみてください笑 

 The situation she recently felt heart skipping a beat was that her boyfriend gave her a ring!! Apparently she stays in a room the most so if you cant help yourself wating to see her, visit APhouse 2!! 

インドネシアのBogor出身、ピカピカの秋入1回生!Argia Ariapradana君です。Beppaper編集部がハウスでイケメン調査をしていた所、彼の名前が挙ってきました。人気者ですねぇ〜〜!

 The next is Argia Ariapradana from Indonesia! He just entered APU this fall. OMG he is so young!!
His hobby is to play the guitar and also he loves to listen to the music. He likes the band, Scorpion! 


 He told us that he loves to cook! When did you excited the most since you came to APU? And he answered “The moment I went to grocery shopping!” Ohhh ,,,,, I want to eat Indonesian food,, you should ask him to cook if you want to be friends with him! 


 He does not have girl friend. However, when we went to his room to interview him, we saw a girl in his room♡ he said she is not his girl friend but ,,, if you want to date with Argia, HURRY UP!!!!!! 


He likes the girl, who can understand him and kind. He likes Satomi Ishihara very much!!!
In APU, he is joining Aikido and APUina which is the Indonesian traditional circle!

ウズベキスタン出身で2回生のモヒちゃんことMohinur Nurullaevaちゃんです!

The next is a girl form 2nd year!
She is Mohinur Nurullaeva from Uzbek. Her hobby is to listen to the music! And she likes Selena Gomez the best! 


She does not have boy friend now. Guys!!! It’s your chance if you want to approach her! She said she likes the guys who are older than her and also the ones who can take care of her a lot. 

In APU, she is doing WS2 TA. If she was my TA, I would love to go to the class even its on Wednesday 1st period!
If you finish taking WS2 but you still want to meet her, you better go to the cafeteria. Beppaper members met her in the cafeteria 2 times in a week!


Next is also first year boy from Sapporo, Hokkaido! Kent Ikeda! While we were interviewing others in APhouse, we heard that he even has fans! Lucky that we could interview him! 


His hobby is listening to music and his favorite band is Paramore. Right now he is not joining any circles but he would love to join volunteering activities. 

 そんな好青年池田くん、なんとなんと彼女募集中だそうです!付き合うなら日本人がいいそうで、タイプの女の子は明るい子!池田くんファンのみなさん頑張って!♡ 求める外見と中身の比率は五分五分だそうですよ!笑 

 Surprisingly, Kent doesnt have a girlfriend now! If he will be in a relationship, he prefers Japanese girl with bright personality! The ratio of looks and personality he wants is 5:5. 


 We asked his preferance but he only told as "it's a mystery". Maybe he was shy? Anyway please find out by yourself everyone!
The place where he often stays is APhouse 2 so girls gambatte!



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