復活!目指せ別府八湯温泉道名人 Vol.3


Hi everybody!!! Do you remember our last story??? Yes! we decided to become Onsen Master and started to visit some Onsens.... if you've forgot our story, please visit the link below!



 「朝6時集合?正気かよ、さあや 。」

So, It's the real START POINT. Until Yesterday, we were visiting Onsens afternoon since we had classes in the morning.

"Oh wait. Start from 6AM??? Are you sure, Saaya??"



We all thought about it in our mind but nobody actually says it.

60/88 Onsens left......


We met so many nice people during this project. This guy in the picture gave our beautiful member Misaki 500yen for no reasons and this lady helped us get the Onsen Water! Thank you very much everybody!

しかし、 3日目にもなってくると 「温泉=地獄」なのでは?という錯覚に陥ります。



However, after we finished visiting like 30 Onsens in a day,  we felt like "Onsen=Hell".

Oh wait,,,, the word Onsen Hell in Beppu comes from this!?!?!? I KNEW IT!! ※It is not true



bepapper編集部は学びました。 人間とは辛くなると逃げたくなる生き物なんです。 



「あ・し・ゆ 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0!!!!」 




 ※ 温泉にはゆっくり全身つかりましょう

On day 4, We were so tired that we started some sort of cheating. 

"Hey!!! Is there any other people in the Onsen???"

"No??NO??? OKAY!!! perfect."

"♡FOOT BATH♡10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0!!!"

"DONE!!! Let's go next!"

Owner "Ohhhhh,, you guys were so fast!!!"

US "ahahahahahahhahahaaaa......."

※PLEASE, please take a bath in the onsen at least longer than us,,,

We learned that the human beings are starting to escape when they are in the difficult moment.

4日目の夕方にはついに 56湯を巡り、


Afternoon, Just before the city hall closes, We FINALLY completed 56 Onsens!!!!!! Which means,,,,,, We got the 10,000yen tickets for the Onsen!!!!!!!!


 5日目正午 車の運転をしていた北島沙彩がついに熱中症になる。

The driver, Saaya got heat stroke.


 悟りました。 もう無理です。 ごめんなさい。 私たちがバカでした。






We cannot continue anymore.....Sorry. We were stupid.

Become Onsen Master in August??

88 Onsens in 3 days??

gather the Onsen Water from 88 onsens??

The people of Beppu city hall, Onsen Masters, Beppaper Fans, we are so sorry....

 2016年8月6日、Beppaper編集部 70湯をもって温泉巡り終了。 


2016, August 16th, 

We visited 70 Onsens in 5 days.

Not 88. FINISH.


Mission failure


to be continued.....



  • 1000 / 1000