復活!目指せ別府八湯温泉道名人 Vol.2

さて、先週から復活しました、目指せ温泉道名人企画! 「なんの話?」って人「どんな話だっけ?」って人はこちらをクリック!

So our project to become the Onsen Masters! If you do not know what we are talking about, or if you missed the previous article click the link below!


Last week, Beppaper members (Misaki, Mayu, Taihei, Saaya) were confident enough to become the Onsen Masters in 3days.




 野口温泉→春日温泉→南的が浜公園→加賀旅館 を午前中で周る楽々コース!!!!!


のはずが・・・・・。 季節は真夏!(8月実施)キツ過ぎる。暑過ぎる。 温泉から出ても全くさっぱりしない。1湯につき1アイスクリームじゃないとマジで体力的に無理。

However, the calmest girl in the member, Koyoi finally realized the important thing. 

“Taihei! Saaya! 30 Onsesn in a day is IMPOSIIBLE….. Why don't we practice a little bit?” 

“Why are you worried??? Okay, okay, we will come with you ” 

 So we went 3 onsens before noon… It SHOULD be really easy to do. In fact, it was NOT….. We thought Onsen is for clean oue bodies,,,,,, but what’s up with this sweat???   




........ What we do??

"We were sopped to become Onsen Master in 3 days but we will change it to 5 days!!!!"



The message from Koyoi (she cannot join us for the next few days)

You MUST bring "the clothes easy to take off and wear" "flip-flops" "Hand Fans". bye bye.

 1日目 授業後集ったBeppaperメンバーは別府駅周辺の温泉を周ることに。


Day1.after we finish our classes, we decided to go around the Onsens near Beppu station.

(Did you know there is a Victoria's Secret in Beppu???)

 しかし、今回の企画は温泉に入るだけではありません!! そうです・・・温泉水を集めないといけないのです・・・。 いくら市役所から許可を得ていようと、毎回他の入浴者からの冷たい視線がメンバーを襲います。 「なにをしてんだ!!!」と声を荒げられることもしばしば・・・。 

However, our goal is not only to become the Onsen Masters but we collect the Onsen Water......... Of course we got permission to collect them, but the people taking baths were so curious about what we were doing. Even some times they yelled at us "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!?!?!?

 しかし、Beppaperメンバーそんなことではくじけません! なぜかって?




BUT! We never quite collecting the Onsen Water. Do you know why????

We want all the Beppaper Fans to be HAPPY!!!!


(We cannot say  that we don't want our Boss, Saaya, to be mad. )

 このようなトラブルを乗り越えながらなんとか初日は13湯の温泉をまわったものの、疲労困バイ。意識朦朧。 ただ、肌だけは異常にスベスベでした・・・。

We went to 13 Onsens on the 1st day. We were so tired that we do not even remember what exactly we did on that day.......  Only one thing we can remember was our skin were unbelievably smooth....



※When you go to over 3 onsets in a day, you should start feeling like to eat Orange Jelly. You better prepare it.


to be continued......


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