




Hello, everyone!

It’s already May now and the weather is getting nice as well, so I (Shiho) feel happy!

This time, we interviewed our friends about the ways to spend time at home!

“Staying home” is going to be long, so let’s see how some of our friends spend their time under this situation and you might find something interesting for you from them;)






Questions that we asked ↓

1. Are there anything you started for the time you staying at your home under the co-vid 19 situation?

2. Are there anything you do for try not to be overwhelmed because of the virus?

3. What do you want to do first once the situation settled down?

4. Are there anything you have done during this staying-home period? (something embarrassing like you accidentally got the door for receiving a package without wearing trousers or you are in a zoom class not noticing that you are using weird background or something like that)


Let’s get started!

【APS 3回生 増村雄大/ APS 3 grade Yudai Masumura】


There are two things that I started since this quarantine. First one is exercising watching videos from YouTube channel and other one is penmanship with a pen. I found books for it and following that. I’m following a person on twitter who has very beautiful handwriting and I’m inspired by that person. I can see the progress little by little!

2、外出を控える。外でない分家の中でyoutubeでエクササイズもしてるかもー マスクする

To avoid going out. I try not going out that often so I do some exercise inside my room instead. And I wear a mask when I have to go out.


I want to eat at the cafeteria and meet my friends on campus! Waking up and taking bus are not necessary right now so missing normal campus life. I can meet my friends on campus but now we all have no chance to meet people in general. I also miss running into some of my friends at classes in big classrooms…


I forgot to mute the microphone while I was doing TA job so people might have heard me talking on the phone over the Zoom…

ボールペン時の練習/Practicing with book

【APS 3回生 鈴木愛/APS 3 grade Mana Suzuki】



料理 (レシピを見ないで実験している時が多い)





失敗:バナナのパウンドケーキ ベーキングパウダーを入れすぎて苦くしてしまった、本能的に舌が受け付けなかった。


1つ目、ユヴァル・ノア・ハラリの 「21 lessons」 。21世紀を生きる私たちに必要なレッスンはどんなものか、「ホモ・サピエンス」の歴史を熟知した彼がどんな考察・主張を読むのが楽しみ!また、内容以外にも文章を書くテクニックにユヴァルさんは読者を飽きさせない文章力、表現力があるので、専門用語を理解できていない私にも読めて面白い!



-cleaning the garden

-cooking (without referring any recipes so it’s like doing some experiments)


-trying and discovering new styling for clothes

Tell us the best (successful) food and the worst food (not successful) you’ve made so far while you are having some “experimental” cooking sessions!

The best (successful): Pancakes. I found maple syrup which hasn’t been used for a while, and my little sister, brother and I had a little discussion over that syrup and we settled that we wanted use it so we did use it for the pancakes.

The worst (not successful): A banana pound cake. I put too much baking powder which made the cake taste bitter. That was something my tongue simply didn’t let me eat by instinct.

Any books you recommend?

-1. “21 lessons” by Yuval Noah Harari. I enjoy reading his book since he has full knowledge and it’s interesting to know how he thinks from his perspective which gives us lessons to survive 21st century. Besides the contents, this author has great technique and expressions in his writing so you will never get bored reading his book even though there are multiple technical terms.

-2. “History of philosophy and religion” by president Deguchi. I wish there was an English-translated version of this book. I would highly recommend this to anyone who are interested in business and I agree with Mr. Deguchi. I especially experienced some mind-blowing moments when I read both books (“21 lessons” and “History of philosophy and religion”) in parallel.


-catching up with my friends on Zoom, do some exercise

3、アメリカへ行く!日本にも家族はいるけれど、アメリカで10年以上会えていない親戚、友人がいるのでコロナが収まり次第、bold actionをとってみたいと考えている!目的地はホストファミリーの住むインディアナ州と、祖母、いとこの住むルイジアナ州です!

-I want to go to the US! I have my family in Japan, but I also have my relatives and friends who I haven’t seen more than 10 years so after the situation has calmed down, I want to take a bold action (to go visit them)! The destinations are Indiana where my host family lives and Louisiana, where my grandmother and cousins live!


Not yet actually, I want to be bold a bit more.

【APS 2回生 遠藤 航/ APS 3 grade Wataru Endo】


During this time, I could make a time to cook by myself. So, I try to cook so many kinds of food.


I do strength training in the room in my room, because I’m in the footstal club. So, I’m careful not to lose my strength.


I want to go outside which is far away from here and have fun with my friends.

4、 Zoomのアカウントで始めに入った際に写真設定をしていて、みんな写真を設定しているだろうと思ったら、自分しか設定している人がいなくて、授業やミーティングで自分の顔が公開処刑のようになってしまって恥ずかしかった。

First, I set my picture on the profile, at that time, I thought that everyone does the same things however, no one do the profile setting!! So, I’m ashamed that my face was opened to everyone during the meeting and class.

【APS 休学中 齋藤 和/APS from school Nagomi Saito】

1、 父がお店を始めるらしく、そこのオープン準備を手伝っています。おうち時間ではないし、こんな時期だけども…


It’s not home time and I know it’s not quite right time to starting new business under this situation… but since my father is going to open his restaurant, so I’m helping him with it.

2、 アルコール消毒をこまめにすることを心がけています!

I use hand sanitizer quite often!

3. 友達と会ってひたすら語りたいです!!!

I just want to see my friends and talk with them!!!

4. ダルゴナコーヒーを作っているときに、ミキサーで思いっきりコーヒーを部屋に飛び散らせちゃいました…


When I was making Dalgona coffee, I made a huge mess with coffee because of the mixer…

It took so much time to clean the mess so I will never make it again…

【APS 3回生 千島あきの/ APS 3 grade Akino Chishima】


Working out, (I always work out midnight !!), Half body bath while reading book, cooking, playing the guitar, singing many songs, yoga, making wreath, watching Netflix, and studying English.

2、ハッピーな音楽を沢山聴くこと(家事が100倍楽しくなるディスコヒット20おすすめです)、コロナの正しい勉強をすること(ペストの歴史から勉強してます)、白湯やお茶を沢山飲んで基礎体温UP! 細かい作業を沢山する

Listening to happy music (I recommend “disco 20 of housework become 100 times more fun”), Studying about corona virus (I’ve started studying about the history of plague bacterium), Drinking plain hot water and tea to increase basal body temperature, and doing various tasks.


Hugging my friends in the middle of a road. (with music, “I will always love you” by Whitney Houston)




When I was singing the song “Mori no kumasan dirty jokes ver” with my Korean boyfriend in the house which I’m sharing with Haga, I heard “Crazyyyyy!!!!” from outside. I got panicked.

The voice was my roomie’s (haga) EX- boyfriend. He came to collect his stuff.

I just made weird memory for them and I kinda feel bad for them cause that would be their last memory.




How was this article?

Members of Beppaper interviewed one person for each, and the ways to spend at home are different so that they will be helpful to everone!

If there are anything you have never done, it might be funt to try for yourself! 




I (Risa) was trying to make the coffee thing and I hurt myself using the mixer. I will never ever make that thing anymore, that’s way too dangerous for me.

facebook: Beppaper APU

Instagram: beppaper_apu


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