
今回からの新企画、カップル特集企画の第1回です! APU生同士の素敵なカップルをじゃんじゃん取り上げていきます! おすすめのデートスポットを参考にしたり、 ラブラブの秘訣を聞いたり、などなど 彼氏彼女いない方々には目が痛くなるような企画ですが 暖かい目で読んでいってくれればと思います!笑

We start our new project which is couple interview.

We are going to interview APU couple about recommended place to go with couple and how they do to be a good couple.

it might be uncomfortable to read to those who don’t have girlfriend and boyfriend, but we hope you will enjoy reading.

 では、紹介の方に参りまーす! こちらのお二人です!!

Now, we will introduce the first couple. 


A. 今年の3月28日からなので、まだ1ヶ月くらいです!

-how long have you been dating?

A. it been about 1 month. We started to date from March 28th.



A. 小学校が同じで2つ違いの学年だったんです!それで、APUに来てから


Oh, it’s a bit surprising that we begin this project with the couple they just started to date.

Then, why did you start to date?

A. We were in the same elementary school but our grade was different. Then, we met APU circle, United Nations again and  started to date.

ドラマみたいな再会ですねぇ笑 素敵です!!

It’s really romantic.




-what do you like about each other?

Him to her: cute, cheerful, bright, feel fun to be with her

Her to him: smart, respectable, trustful


We felt embarrassed to hear your answers but we could understand how you love each other.



A. 世界ランク1位になっちゃうくらいでーーす!!笑

-How much do you love each other now?

A: we can be NO1 in the world.


You both seem to be enjoying this interview very much….. 


A. 付き合い始めてから、2人で出身の小学校に行き、当時全校生で撮った写真の時と同じ場所で同じポーズで写真を撮ったことです。




-Do you have any memorable story?

A: we went to our elementary school to take picture at the same place and with the same pose when we took a picture with all of the members of our school.

After this, we went to the shrine and I(Machi) was waiting for kissing but he could not do that because of wisdom teeth. That was our sweet and embarrassing memory. 

前半はとても素敵なお話だったんですけどねぇ笑 後半はちょっと恥ずかしいエピソードになっちゃいましたねwww

The beginning was really sweet story. The latter was a bit embarrassing one.


A. 意外と苦じゃないんですよ!やっぱ今の時代はLINEとかSkypeがあるし、なるべく電話で連絡を取り合ってます!ただ、寝る前にパソコンの前で話していると、ブルーライトで目がやられちゃって大変です。笑

Well, actually, her boyfriend already graduated APU and now they are dating with long distance.(Tokyo-Oita) We asked keys for long distance relationship.

A. We don’t feel hard for long distance. We can use LINE and Skype and we try to have contact as much as we can. But when I talk with him with PC before I go to bed, my eyes sometimes get tired with Blue Lights from PC.

たしかに!便利な世の中になりましたよねぇ〜 まあ、目はお大事に!!(爆発しやがれ!!笑

Exactly, present days are really convenient. Take care of your eyes. 


A. ドラマの撮影地に行ってます!「坂の上の雲」の撮影ロケ地や、神社巡りが好きなのでひたすら神社を周ってます!


-where do you go to date?

A. we go to place where the drama was shot such as “Saka no ue no kumo” . And since we like to go around shrines, we visit various shrines.

ほ〜〜、結構渋いとこ行ってますねぇ笑 でも、ドラマの撮影ロケ地巡りは意外と面白いのではないでしょうか? 編集者の私も「恋空」で有名な河川敷で、自転車に乗って、、、やめときましょう泣

Well, it seems be cool. To visit the place used for dramas can be interesting. I want to go to visit river side and ride on the bicycle just like “Koizora”. I’ll stop here.




Lastly, canyou say the message to each other?

Her to him: we will be separated for 2 more years, but we can overcome this long distance.

Him to her: we may have some troubles, but we can be the best couple.


As they seemed to be really sweet, I quietly left and finished this interview.


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