


This time is one of the most popular projects, APU Relay!

The last two times were FLAG member, then who will answer this time?



The fourth interviewee is…

Takeshita Koutaro.


Please introduce yourself briefly.

ハカセ:APM3回生の竹下祐太郎です。友達からは見た目からハカセと呼ばれています。笑 宮崎出身の1988年生まれの26才です。

Hakase: I’m Takeshita Koutaro, APM 3rd year. My friends call me Hakase since I look like Hakase meaning scholar in English. I’m from Miyazaki Prefecture. I’m was born in 1988 and now 26 years old.

Beppaper: に、26才!!!なぜその歳になって大学に入ろうと思ったんですか??

Beppaper: Oh, you are 26 years old!? Why did you decide to enter the university?


Hakase: actually, after I graduated my high school, I couldn’t find the meaning to go to university. I was job-hopper for 4 years in my hometown. But when my friends talked to me about every day in their university, I came to think that I really want to study and enjoy my student days in university. Then I decided to enter APU.


B: Desire for love may make people change. Do you have girlfriend?

ハカセ: 年上で引っ張ってくれるような彼女を現在募集中です。笑

Hakase: I want a girlfriend who is elder than me and leads me.

B:年上は無理があるかと思いますが... Beppaperは全力で応援します!では、APUでの生活で力を入れたことを教えてください。

B: it may be impossible to get the elder girlfriend, but Beppaper always cheers you up ! Next, please tell us what you tried hard in APU.


Hakase: I joined FIRST, Immersion program, and FLAG. Especially, through Immersion program, I could experience various things and these experiences make what I am.


B: FLAG already introduces us 3 members! Please tell us more detail about what you had experienced through Immersion program.

ハカセ:オーストラリアに1ヶ月留学したのですが、英語が上手く伝わらず、ホストファーザーとちょっとした喧嘩をしてしまいました。それが悔しくて、英語で上手くコミュニケーションがとれるようになる為に、APUで必死に英語の勉強をしています。今では、外人をナンパできるようにまで成長しました。笑 APUには、多くの留学プログラムや、国際生と交流する機会があるので、自分のレベルを知る為にも積極的に参加して欲しいです!

Hakase: I was studying in Australia for 1 month. My host father could not understand my English, and I quarreled with him. I felt frustrated and I’m studying harder in APU to be able to communicate with people in English. Now, I can ask foreign women to date in English. APU has a number of exchange programs and chances to communicate with international students. I want you all to join these evens actively to know your present level.


B: by the way, I heard you lost your face when you had drinking party.


Hakase: well, we had drinking party with 4 women and 4 men. Since we all got drunk so much, the body touch naturally increased. I thought this is what I had been seeking, then I drunk a lot. When I woke up, I was falling down in toilet and I was naked. And women were around me. My male friends helped me to wear underpants. But seeing this, women got disappointed and I could not have contact with them. I suggest readers not to be like me.



B: we thought you were earnest person but we also found your newaspect. And lastly, please introduce next interviewee.


Hakase: Shion Imai!! She is also FLAG, and she took care of me very much. Her way of life is greater than mine.


B: thank you for your cooperation.



Note: Hakase introduced his various experiences including naked accident.

At the same time, he also works hard academically. He got awarded for 4.0 GPA in last spring semester.

Even though he started his university 6 years later than his friends, he joins many kinds of activities and events in APU such as FLAG. Through this interview, we got impressed from his story.

It is not problem at all to try what you want.



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