



Hello guysss

It began Multicultural week what we love!!

But, I think many people don’t know how those weeks are organized, Right??

So, we get new project!
It is "A week representative!”!!!


In this time I met the representative of Oceania week!

笑顔がとっても素敵なフィジー出身のSagaitu Konusiさんは、21歳のAPS3回生だそうです!

Sagaitu Konusi from Fiji who has very wonderful smile is 21-year-old, 3rd year APS student!


Then we are gonna ask question!

Beppaper (B):こんにちは~!まず、ウィークお疲れ様でした!どのパフォーマンスもかっこよかったですが、いつから準備を始めていたんですか??

Beppaper (B): Hello! At first, Otsukaresama! All performances were cool, how long did you prepare for the week? ?

Sugaitu (S):こんにちは!えーっと去年の11月頃にリーダー選挙があって、そこからメンバーを集めたり、コンテンツを考えたりしました!

Sugaitu (S): Hello! Well, there was leader election in last November and then recruit the members and thought about contents!


B: It took quite long time to prepare! how about grand show which is one of the best event during week??


S: The theme of this year was “Captain Cook"! This is a kind of classic travel journey.It was great!


B: I should have watched the show! I think In this week, a lot of people did various performances, how many students did participate ?


S: There are 9 core members and about 71 performers!


B: So many!! Since it is huge number, Didn't you have any difficulties ??


S: Yes…since there were many numbers of people, there were some of the people who did not come on time. So I tried to be punctually. Tried to go first and remained members about meeting many times. Beside, It was hard to take the support afterward. In order to get sponcership, I went to Kitakyusyu!


B: I seem you are really nice leader! For the final question, did you have some objectives to do this week?


S: I think This week has two meanings. The first one is to make everyone knows about Oceania. There are some people who misunderstand that Oceania is a country. Therefore some times they ask me that "why don't you talk in Oceanian??"lol But, in fact, Oceania is a region including Australian Continent, Polynesia, Melanesia and Micronesian whole. I hope this week can help students' understand.


The second one is to get the Oceanian community more closer. I think Japanese people really care about the relationship between 先輩and後輩, but Oceanic people should stand on the same line without age or relations. Therefore, through Oceania week, I thought everybody should be able to know each other better than ever!


B: It is a very wonderful aim! Thank you!!



From next semester, they will begin preparations for next year Oceania week!

Everybody, please participate!


Then, do not forget to read next " A week representative!”!!


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