

Have you ever heard about "Miss Universe"?
Yes, "Miss Universe" is the competition which decides the most beautiful woman in the world. On 21st of November, we have Oita's primary selection for miss universe.
So, this time we got a chance to talk to Sari Niimura, the finalist of Oita's primary selection. 



Sally Niimura, Sally chan, is 21years old and from Kanagawa. She had been dancing Jazz dance and Tap dance for 12years! Also she got the first prize of East Japan Dance Studium when she was in high school!!! Even in the All Japan competition, she got special recognition award! 

Now we asked some questions!


Beppaper:Why did you apply miss universe?

Sally: 夏休み、ヨーロッパに旅行に行ったときに日本の良さについて客観的に考えられる機会があったんです。

Sally: In the summer break, I went to Europe and I could see the great part of Japan objectively.
And then I thought that I am lacking the sensitivity of Japanese because I am in the international environment of APU.
Also, to be active in a world and to shine as a woman in a future, I need know about my own country other than the communication skill or understanding others or I will not be able to have a stable identity.
In a good timing, I met a guy from miss universe councelor at the exchange party and he recommended me and I felt "This is a great chance of self-improvement!" so I decided to join. 


Beppaper: Wow! That's a cool way of self-improvement...! Do you have a confidence to win??


Sally:I have a lot! I mean I can't win if I
dont have a confidence! Of course I have a lot to improve. But I believe that doing things by admitting my good side and bad side, even my visions will be wider. So I have confidence! 


Beppaper: Got surprised with the super quick answer... But right, the person who has confidences will look more shining than a person with negativities. Who is your number one rival? 


Sally:It is myself! Every morning before I leave the house, I say "Be a person with strong mind by overcoming myself" 

 Beppaper: ほぉーーー。まさかさすがとしか言い様がありません。そんなサリーちゃんがキレイになる為に日々努力している事を教えて下さい!

Beppaper: Ohhh. We just can say that's the spirit! So can you tell us what kind of effort you are putting everyday to be beautiful? 

 Sally: 第一印象は外見で決まるかもしれないけれど、本当の人としての美しさは内面から出てくるものだと思います。だから私は人の事を褒める事を心がけています。

Sally: The first impression will be decided by the outside but the real beauty of a person will be decided by inside or personality. So I am trying to praise others. By prasing others, not only the person who got praised be happy but I can also feel the happiness. There is no one who won't be smiling by getting praised, right? For the looks, Im having no carbon dioxide diet and also going to the individual gym and training. 


Beppaper: By the way, how much weight did you lose by now? 

Sally: 4週間で4キロです。でも、トレーナーには3週間で5キロ痩せるように言われています(泣)

Sally: 4kg in 4weeks. But my trainer asked me to lose 5kg in 3weeks... I was dancing everyday in high school but I stopped dancing after university so I gained 10kg as the maximum....Im eating vesitable mainly food like chicken and broccoli.

 Beppaper: ミスユニバースのトレーニングでは、どんな事をするんですか?? 

Beppaper: What kind of training do you get for miss universe? 

Sally: メンタルトレーニングや、SNSの使い方を教わったりします。

Sally: We get mental training and learn how to use SNS. Also learn about history of Oita or I could visit some famous buildings with other finalists so I could learn about Oita as well. On week days from 18:00 to 21:00, on weekends for a full day I have training. Also most of us are trying hard outside of training like going to beauty salon. 


Thank you Sally Niimura, the finalist of Miss Universe Oita! 


ちなみにミスユニバース大分大会が11月21日18:00からホルトホール大分 でおこなわれますよ!

Beppaper Facebookメッセージでご連絡ください! 

By the way Miss international Oita's ticket is 2000yen(Tokyo's one is going to cost almost 30,000yen!) If anyone wants to buy, please send us a message from the Beppaper Facebook page!!!





Also miss universe's web election is now going on! Everyone, let's vote for Sally and cheer her up together from the web site!


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