今、何聴いてるのっっ!?what are you listening to?


Hello everyone! how are you, it is getting hot here.


In this time, I, Misaki Shimura, will write a first article !


Well, today’s topic is “what are you listening now?!”.


A lot of people are walking with music on in APU.


I am just interested in what you are listening to, what music you have?


Lets ask then, these are the questions for the interview.

① 今、何を聴いていますか?

what are you listening now?

② なんでその曲を聴いていますか?

why are you listening the song?

③ その曲はどんな時に聴きますか?

when do you listen to the song?


here is the first one!

APS 2回生 村上絵美華さん(from日本)

APS 2nd year Erika Murakami (from Japan)

① 「Under The Sea」/ Disney

“Under The Sea/ Disney”

② Disneyが好きだから

because I am totally in love with Disney

③ テンションが上がっているとき!晴れの時!

when I get in a good mood, or on the lovely sunny day!


Here is the second one!

APM 4回生 フェリックス(fromインドネシア)

APM 4th year Felix (from Indonesia)

① 「Ridin Solo」/ Jason Derulo

“Ridin Solo / Jason Derulo”

② たまたま!

No reason, just feeling!

③ バスに乗っている時など

when I take a bus


Here is the third one!

APM 4回生 飯島宗彰さん(from 日本)

APM 4th year Muneaki Ijima (from Japan)

① 「Five More Hours」/ Chris Brown

“Five More Hours / Chris Brown”

② テンションが上がっているから!

Because this song drags me into really good mood!

③ 音楽が好きなのでいつも聞いています!

Since I love to listen to music, and that is what I always do!


Here is the fourth one!

APS 3回生 鈴木かんたさん(from 日本)

APS 3rd year Kanta Suzuki (from Japan)

① BMCストレッチ 5分で股関節を柔らかくする方法

BMC stretch song, how to flex the hip joint in 5 min.

② 股関節を柔らかくしたいから

Because I want to flex my hip joint

③ 股関節を柔らかくしたいとき

   When I want to flex my hip joint.




This is great!!! I was craving for this! I couldn’t stop laughing when I interviewed him LOL btw, my hip joint is really flexible hahahaha




Thank you everybody for sharing your music and videos ! I was hoping to see some international students whos listening to Rakugo or something to learn japanses haha

Thank you so much for reading!!!


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