

今回のゲストはエストニア出身のNike Reintammちゃんです。まるでイケメンイケジョのインタビューをしているのではないかと思ってしまうほどかわいいニケちゃん

APU Chain NO.10!!!

Todays gues is Nike from Estonia! She is so pretty that I thought I was interviewing the girl in Ikemen Ikejo lol





B:Hi! So please introduce yourself

N: I am Nike. I’m APS 1st year, 2nd semester student. Many people mistake the pronunciation of my name since the spelling of my name is same as the sports brand NIKE hahah

B: your Japanese is actually really good!! Did you study a lot before you come to APU??

N: yeah I went to high school in Shizuoka for 3years and I was doing tea ceremony.





B:WOW!!! You look so beautiful with the Kimono!!!! Why don’t you join the Tea Ceremony circle in APU though??

N: I really wanted to join but I was too busy with study this semester so hopefully next semester!

B; why did you choose to study in Japam???

N: before I went to HS, it was in 2006, one of my friends went to Japan for short term and he showed me the Japanese cell phone. It was so amazing and I was so surprised with the Japanese technology!!! Also, I was interested in Anime a bit so I started searching about japan.







B: so you came to japan in 2011 right? Wasn’t it like right after the earthquake in Tohoku?

N; yes. The earthquake was in 2011 March and I came here in 2011 April so it was just after the incident. Actually my parents were so worried about me but I was like “Tohoku is far from Shizuoka. It will be alright!!!”

B; amazingly active and brave she is…. Do you often go back to Estonia?

N: I have been in Japan for almost 4years and I went home only 3times.

B: don’t you feel homesick though?

N: Not at all!!!! There are no reasons to go home!!

B: wwwww APUではどのような活動をされていますか?



N:APU United Ambassadorという団体です。APUにいる80以上の国の人を各国一人以上集めてイベントを行うというサークルです!自分の出身国がAPUで珍しいと思うみなさん!ぜひ参加してください。 あ、あとAPU Fashion show Weekにも参加しています!今週の金曜日がグランドショーなのでぜひ見に来てください!




B: hahahahahhaaha!!! Do you join any activities in APU??

N: I got accepted to the Kumon this year and im joining the circle called AUA.

B: AUA? Whats that??

N: AUA stands for APU United Ambassador. They are asking at least one person from each countries to join and holing some events with the members. We are still missing some people so please join us if you think the country you come from is rare in APU! Also, im joining APU Fashionshow Week. The grand show will be on this Friday after 5th period so please come watch!!

B: if you have time on Friday after school please do go watch ne!! okay then please choose the next guest!

N: Tony from Bangladesh! He was my floormate in APhouse and he always gives me good advices. He is like my older brother!


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