おうち時間インタビュー 〜APU生以外ver.〜

 みなさん〜いかがお過ごしですか? 別府もだんだん暑くなってきたので、はがはコロナが落ち着き次第すぐに北海道に避難したいさ〜、もう耐えられない!




Hey guys! How was your STAY HOME?? Recently, Beppu getting hot, I wanna evacuate to my hometown, HOKKAIDO. I can’t suffer summer in Kyushu.

Have you ever read last column? If you’re not yet, please read ne~~

Today, we interviewed “STAY HOME ~not APU students ver.~” We asked best friend, family, and childhood. Maybe you can feel warmer, and breathtaking.

We’d applicate it if you could read this all~






Questions that we asked ↓

1. Are there anything you started for the time you staying at your home under the co-vid 19 situation?

2. Are there anything you do for try not to be overwhelmed because of the virus?

3. What do you want to do first once the situation settled down?

4. Are there anything you have done during this staying-home period? (something embarrassing like you accidentally got the door for receiving a package without wearing trousers or you are in a zoom class not noticing that you are using weird background or something like that)

【しほの幼馴染 ひよりちゃん / 大学3回生】

① 四つ葉のクローバーを種から育て始めました!


① I have started growing the four-leaf clover! 

The reason is that it will make my heart feel at ease. I feel so happy to look it every morning.

② 不要不急な外出はせず、基本家にいるようにしています。


② I’m basically trying to stay at home without going out, do rope jumping for immune deficiency and have good nutrient balance foods not to become ill. Also I’m keeping in mind to spend days like university life as soon as possible.

③ わたしはシンガーソングライターの現場マネージャーをやっているので、はやくイベントができるようになってほしいです。


③ I’m a manager of singer songwriter so I hope event can be held. Since lots of people come to the event, restart is quite difficult. But everyone’s health is the most important so after events can be held, I will do my best for my working.

④ わたしは鼻が詰まっているときは鼻にティッシュを詰めて過ごしています。家にいるだけなのでティッシュを詰めることに抵抗はなく、特に気にしていないのですが、この間ティッシュを詰めたままベランダに出たらちょうど人がいて目が合ってしまったような気がして、恥ずかしくなりました(笑)

④ I often fill nose with tissue. In my house, I don’t care about it but when I was in a veranda, there was person who I don’ know at all and our eyes met. So that I was embarrassed. lol

【みずきの妹 野元藍 / 高校3年生】

① ピアノを練習するようになった。連弾の楽譜があるから、それを母と弟と3人で弾いて見たりとかしてる。そして、Bohemian Rhapsodyを弾いてるフレディーマーキュリーがかっこいいから、それに挑戦中!ゆったりしたところは弾けるようになりました。

① I started practicing piano. I have a score of piano duet, so doing and seeing that with my mother and brother. Also, I’m practicing “Bohemian Rhapsody” because Freddie Mercury was really cool with playing this song. I am already done with the slow part.

② 笑うと免疫が高められると聞いたから、お笑いを見たり、友達と週に一回は6人くらいでzoomして、笑ってる!

② I heard that smiling is good for staying healthy, so I do watch comedy TV or YouTube channels and zooming with friends once a week!

③ 写真をたくさん撮りたいです。人を撮ることが好きだから、一緒にいるからこそ撮れるんだなと気づきました。高校生活も残り限られているんで、友達の写真をたくさん撮りたい!コロナに入る前の期間に撮ったフィルムの現像をして、その時期を思い出したい。髪の毛も切りたい!

③ I want to take a lot of pictures. I like taking portrait (friends and others), and I realized that I can do it because I spend a time together. I only have few months to the end of the high school life, so I want to take a lot of picture of them! Also, I want to have the film developed which I took before this period to recall these moments. And want to have my hair cut!

④ 先生から家に電話きて出たんだけど、家の電話が壊れててすぐ切れたと思って大声で「ははー、ぶちぎっちゃった」って叫んだの。受話器を置く前に見て見たら通話時間がまだカウントされてて、そのまま切ったけど、、、もしかしたら聞こえてたかも?

④ I got a phone call from my professor but my house phone was broken so I thought it ended accidentally and told to my mother about that in loud voice. However, it wasn’t and the call time was still counted when I saw the display. I ended the call by myself but maybe the professor had heard the voice…


 instead of taking portrait, I am taking pictures of flowers.

【りさの友達 高山茄奈子 大学3回生】

① おかし作り!緊急事態宣言直後ぐらいにハマり始めてたんやけど、世の中のみんな作り始めたから、ココアパウダーとかバターとか材料なくなり始めてすぐ作られへんようになってもた。作ったやつバイト先で配ったり、家で食べてたりしてたんやけど、それが原因でちょっと太って、、、そこから筋トレしてる!お母さんにかなこがこんなに筋トレにハマるとはなあってしみじみ言われた。笑 そのうちプロテインとか飲み始めるかもしれん。飲まんけど。

① I started baking! I was completely hooked on it soon after the emergency declaration was announced, but everyone out there also started being into baking so I couldn’t really find ingredients like butter or coco powder. It didn’t last that long. I used to give what I baked to my friends from baito and eta them at home with my family but I gained a bit because of that…so I started to work out! My mom said she didn’t expect me to be into working out lol, I might start drinking protein drinks. (…No I don’t think I will. )

② ストレスをできるだけ溜めないこと規則正しい生活を心がけること

② Try not to be stressed out, have a certain routine like waking up on eight in the morning.

③ コンサート行きたい!!!!!!!!!!!




③ I wanna go to the concerts! That was my motivation to work hard at baito, and save money for it, so it’s been hard to keep having the motivation anymore lately. One of my friends got me a ticket for a play I wanted to watch, but it got canceled because of the virus. I was like “wHaT?” The actors were like “we are so looking forward to seeing you” but I was like “well, now it’s not possible”. 28th of March was the last day for the play, I thought I might be able to go on that day but you know, the whole schedule was canceled by then so I couldn’t go after all…I’ve worked so hard for it, I worked crazy like 20 days in a row, took a day off and went back working for another 12 days straight. I WAS SO SAD.

I also wanna go traveling after everything went back to normal.I was planning on going to South Korea as my first traveling to other country but I could’t go this one as well so…

I was so ready for this trip, since my parents told me this rule that I cannot go abroad for traveling until I turn 20, and this trip to South Korea was supposed to be my first trip after I had my birthday in October last year. We had a huge fight regarding this, could be one of the biggest one we had. I was being like a teenager and didn’t even talk to my parents for like 3-4days.

I couldn’t even say a word when it turned out that I can’t go lol. (Like a song by Kazumasa Oda, “Kotoba ni dekinai”)

④ 特に事件はないけど、いつも家におらん時間に家におるから、横に住んでるおじいさんが爆音で昭和歌謡曲聴いてるのを部屋で一緒に聴いてる。土曜にBSでやってる歌謡曲番組をめっっちゃ歌ってくる。うるさすぎて窓閉めてもほんのり聞こえてくるねん。お母さんは「ええ~そうかなあ」とかいうてくるけど、やっぱりうるさい。「自分のじいじやと思って優しくしたり」ってお父さんに言われた笑 なんでやねんって思った、じいじちゃうし笑

④ I didn’t have that kinda experience but there’s an old man living close to our house, singing old songs so loudly which is quite annoying tbh…lol. He sings songs from a TV program on Saturday. My mom is like “Is it that loud? I don’t really hear anything” but no, it really IS loud. My dad told me to be nice to that guy, think him as my grandpa but I mean, he is NOT my grandpa, come on lol.

【しゅんすけの兄 ケント / 社会人】

① 圧倒的に家で過ごす時間が多くなった。普段は仕事で外出した状態だったから、リモート作業になったことでゆっくりできた。

① I spend much more time at home. I used to go out for work, so I was able to work slowly because of the remote work.

② ジャブを多めに打ち、左フックから右ストレートで仕留める。(兄は、ボクシングにハマっています)

② Strike a lot of jabs and finish with the right hook from the left hook. (My brother is into boxing)

③ カラオケで、ストレス発散

③ Relieving stress with karaoke

④ Zoom会議中に窓を開けていたら、近所のおじちゃんに笑いながら話しかけられた

④ While I was opening the window during the Zoom meeting, my neighborhood spoke to me with laughing.

【はがの親友 なのたん / 大学2回生】

① 布団カバーを一新した!お気に入りの内装になって自粛期間も楽しく過ごしてる〜


  最近部屋にアリが大量発生してて、掃除機で吸ったり、アリの巣コロリをあらゆる所に配置してる。ゴミが原因かなと思って、冷蔵庫にゴミを全部入れてる(彼女は自炊をしないのに冷蔵庫が家族用なので、沢山入るそうです)最近は「京都 アリ駆除 金額」とかを永遠に調べてる笑

① She bought new duvet cover, so she can enjoy staying home now!

When Self-restraint period, she doesn’t use her physical strength. So she palpitations only going to the LAWSON, and she can’t use shower during bath time lol.

In her room, recently, there have large outbreak of ants. She always sucks up them with vacuum machine. She thought the cause is gavages, so she put them in to her refrigerator (Her refrigerator is so big!! Like family size!!) In addition, she search about” Kyoto, Ants, how much” forever.

② マスクと手洗いうがいは必須! 



② Wearing mask, Washing hands and gargle. She talks friends online a lot!!

 She doesn’t take a class on zoon in her university, but she has many many homework and reports. Everyday she decides homework time, so she never forget role of student to study. She controls own mind herself.

③ はがちゃんとイキタイワン(一緒に台湾旅行する予定です☺️)



③ We promise to travel in Taiwan.

These days, she always wears just pajamas, so she wanna buy new clothes for summer.

Her boyfriend got car license, so she hopes go to drive date with him. (BUT, she scare of his driving, so she will set the back seat!)

④ 通販で頼んだものが思ったよりも早く届き、寝起きの状態で焦った。マスクしなきゃと思って、きちんと付けてたのに、白Tにノーブラだったので、わたしの pretty dream があらわになってしまいました。

④ One day, in the morning, she received her cosmetics. She just put on only mask, but her pajamas is white T-shirt (braless !!), so she showed PRETTY DREAM…





How was this column?? My partner, Nanotan has only 1 class a week on zoom, almost class is just submitting reports.

Everyone live well designed now! This self-restraint period, we must control by myself. It’s hard but I wanna turn over own time.

See you next time ne~~! Bye~~


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