


APU Chain No.9! Today’s guest is Anoj



Beppaper: Please introduce yourself!

Anoj: Hi I am Anoj from Nepal. I am APS 2nd year but I studied in Fukuoka for 3 year and half bforei came here.



B: Wow that’s a long period! So, why did you decide to study in Japan?

A: when I was in HS in Nepal, I wanted to study abroad for college. one of my senpais told me about Japan and I was really interested in so now here I am! I like japan since Japan is a really safe country and people here are really kind.



B: why did you choose to come to APU after you studied in Fukuoka though? And what is your future plan after APU?

A: After I studied in Fukuoka, I did job hunting but I remade my mind to go to university so I looked for universities. Even I studied Japanese for long term, it is still easier for me to learn things in English so I decided to come to APU. After APU, im planning to go to graduate school.





B; did you participate in any activities in APU??

A: I have joined SAS, KUMON, EIGO, and ASA so far.

B: that’s a LOT! Which one did you think the best?

A: Kumon!! Every year, a lot of students from APU are joining this program. In this program, students join the camp for 2 weeks to teach English to Japanese kids. Since this program is pretty long, I made really good relationships with other students and kids. It was really interesting to me.




During the interview, Anoj’s friends came up and told him “I saw you on TV!” so we asked

B: were you on TV????

A: Yes. I walked around in Beppu with these Japanese comedians. Actually I haven’t watched the program yet tho ahahaha

B: なるほど笑 ぜひご自身でもご覧になってください!それでは、次の人の指名をお願いします!



B: that’s so cool!!!! So, please choose the next person!

A: Nike from Republic of Estonia! I don’t see many Estonian on campus and she is one of them! She passed the Kumon for this summer!

B: Thank you so much!!!



EIGO will recruit new member and they gonna hold the guidance on June 24th , 3rd pd at F101! If you are interested in teaching English, please visit them!

And also, there gonna be Nepal week next semester so if you want to join the Nepal week, please come to the recruitment next semester!!!


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