



Hello every one!

This time is the 1st article of “ Risa’s exchange life in Norway”, ~My new life in Norway~

Risa wrote what she felt in Norway amusingly.



Hi it’s Risa who now got completely confused after I spent some time with my Japanese speaking friends ever since I came to Norway. It’s been a while, do you remember me? (Well, you better do but anyway) I’m surprised how time flies quickly. It has already been two months since I moved to Norway, and by the time this article is out, it will be almost three months which absolutely is crazy.


Well well. I ‘d love to share my experience here this time. Just read this while you are eating or being on a bus or whatever. It’s not serious at all so just read for fun hehe.

さて!わたしは今、ノルウェーはクリスチャンサンという小さな町で留学生活を送っているよ。首都オスロから車で約5時間ぐらい離れたところにある、治安のいいとても素敵な街です。びっくりするぐらいめんどくさがりなので、実際に来るまであんまり下調べとかしないで、大学がどんな見た目とか、どんな街とか何も知らないで来たけど、本当にとても住みやすい、いいところ。University Of Agderという大学で、教育や文化社会学について勉強中です。日本人がわたししかいなくて、ヨーロッパからの留学生がほとんど。だから毎日英語漬けで、英語大好き人間としてはとてつもなく幸せな環境で日々を送っております。たまに英語疲れするときもあるけど、ほとんど幸せにやってます。

So! I am in a small city, Kristiansand in Norway currently. It’s five-hour drive away from the capital city Oslo. Kristiansand is a safe and lovely city so far. I am such a lazy person so I didn’t even search for how the city or the university looks like on google before I came here so I had no idea about anything but this place is a really nice place to live. I’m studying education here at University Of Agder. I’m the only Japanese student (at least student who are on exchange program), most students are from Europe so I use English every single day which is very good for me as a person who loves to use English. I’m doing fine though sometimes I get tired from using and thinking in English.

The entrance of University of Agder: Now I know exactly how it looks like


The very first week was a bit rough, I’d say. While the first couple of weeks quickly passed because of all the guidance and other practical stuff that we needed to complete, I didn’t really have friends-friends so I was always nervous and kind of tensed unconsciously. But I was so busy so I didn’t get homesick at all at this point. I had been through "I miss my friends and family" week afterwards when I finally have some time to spend by myself. And after that, I feel comfortable being here with my new friends.



So now I’d like to share what I found interesting about people in Norway. People here are similar to Japanese people in a way that they are a bit shy. They won't sit next to you if the seat next to you on the bus was available. They will give you an awkward nod instead of saying hi when your eyes are met walking on a street.


But once they get drunk, they suddenly become talkative and loud which I found pretty funny. And they try to make you drunk when they get bored being drunk only by themselves so I always have to avoid drunk Norwegian at some point (For my own safe).

This is the poor vans that I wore for one hiking. Listen what Norwegian say when it comes to nature related.



Apart from drinking, they also love nature. Every Sunday, there is hiking organized by Buddy group. You might remember if you’ve seen my post from “our summer vacation” on Instagram, every field trip organized by the course I’m taking included hiking. It is usually fun, but if you forget wearing good shoes, it is going to be a real disaster. Here is one thing I've learned: when Norwegian people said "you need good shoes", then you need really good shoes, not vans nor converse.

If you are planning to come visit Norway, that’s one thing I can tell you to prepare. Keep that in your mind. I told you.

The view from the room where I used live. Put this for no reasons lol.

最後に、そもそもなぜ留学しようと決めたのかについて触れて、終わります!交換留学を決めた理由はいろいろあって、もちろん勉強面の理由もある。でもAPUで一年半過ごしたけど、結局大学で何がしたいかわからなくなって、一回APUや日本から離れて、全く違う環境で考える時間を持ちたかったっていうのも理由の一つ。ノルウェーに来てから、 APUほどの忙しさがなくて、考える時間がたっぷり持てるようになったおかげでいろいろ自分の将来について考えることができるようになってきた。それでもまだ留学の後何がしたいかとかは決まってないけど。でも何か新しいことを学べてるなっていう実感が日々あります。これを読んでくれている人の中に、留学しようかなって考えていたり悩んでいる人がいたら、気軽にDMでもメッセンジャーでもなんでも送ってね。もしわたしで答えられることがあれば是非お手伝いします

I’m gonna end this article by sharing why I decided to be on this exchange program. There are so many different reasons why I decided to do this, and of course there are some academic reasons. But the biggest reason is I found myself completely lost after I spent one year at APU and I wanted to leave both APU and Japan and change my surroundings completely. Since I came to Norway, my life as a student became less busy and I have so much time to spend by myself and think about my future. Although I haven't figured out what I want to do after this exchange experience and further future yet but at least I feel I actually am learning something every day. If you are thinking to study abroad and have something you want to ask, don’t be shy, ask me! If I could do anything to help you I’d love to do so. Feel free to message me via Instagram or FB 


This is pretty much it from Risa! Bye!

質問はインスタグラム/FB からDMで気軽に聞いてみてね〜

Find me on Instagram or FB and DM me if there are any questions ;)

Instagaram: @risahidaka

FB: Risa Hidaka




That’s all of Risa’s article!

It was interesting, right? Since I like Risa’s story very much, it was so fun while reading!

See you next time!


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