目指せ別府八湯温泉道名人!~Onsen expert~





Beppu is so famous with Onsen! Why don't you go see around then? So we gonna introduce you the onsens in Beppu.


Beppaper members went to talk to the leader of the Onsen expert to ask him about the Onsen-Meguri .


別府八湯温泉道名人会is the organization which is created by the Onsen Experts who went to over 88 Onsens. They started to working from 2008 to try everybody to know about Onsen. Mr. Sato is working from the beginning.



Mr.Sato: Hello! Im the leader of別府八湯温泉道名人会、Sato.

Beppaper: Hi! Can you tell me about Onsen Expert.



S: Onsen expert is the people who went to over 88 Onsens in Beppu. Did you know that Beppu has 2,300 Onsens?? Beppu has the largest number of Onsens in the world.



B: What is the system of別府八湯温泉道?

S: It is the collection of the stamp in each Onsen. You can choose 88 onsens from the 140 and you can be recorded as Onsen Expert.

↑スパポート SPAPORT


You can buy this at the station and the tourist office. This book includes the Onsen songs, rules and so on. You will collect the stamps in this book.



B: Why did you choose to start this?

S: We started this in 2001 because I and my friends thought the tourists can enjoy more with this program. Also we thought this can increase the people to go to many Onsens in Beppu that we can help the Onsens too to get more people. There are over 6,000 Onsen Experts!



佐藤会長:そうですね、できればさっさと巡るのではなく1湯1湯の温泉をゆっくり楽しんでほしいですね。肌で感じてみたり、においを嗅いでみたり、ちょっと味をみてみたり(笑) 1湯1湯の違いを感じてもらえればと思います!

B: 6,000 people!? That's a lot! Some of the APU teachers are the Onsen experts too. Do you have any advices to the people who wants to become the Onsen Experts?

S: I want everybody to enjoy each onsens. Feel with the skin, smell it, and taste it! I want everybody to enjoy the differences.




B: I see…. I heard that some people go to over 10 Onsens but Beppaper members will try to enjoy all the Onsens. So, where can I get the information for the Onsen?

S: Well, Onsen-bon has a lot of information! It introduce all the onsens you can get the stamps. Or you can come to別府八湯温泉道名人会事務所 and ask us about the Onsen! We can show you the nice restaurants and tourism places as well!


There were so many tourists who came to ask about the places of Onsen, hot springs, while I was interviewing the Onsen-Meijin Association. Onsen-Meijin Association is located nearby Tengu-no-Yakata in Yayoitengu Street near Beppu station. If anyone wants some updated information about Beppu, just visit there!

↑温泉本 Onsen-book


More than 140 of Onsen facilities are introduced in this booklet. You will be able to get a free Onsen ticket and coupons of several tourism facilities as well. This booklet will be updated in the end of September every year, so you better check new information! You will be able to purchase this booklet at convenience store, bookstore or in APU COOP and the price is 500Yen, tax included.



B:Anything do you want to tell APU students?

S:We strongly believe that APU will lead us spread more awareness of hot springs, not only to all over japan but also to all over the world. If you go to one Onsen everyday, you will be called as an “expert” in 3months. It is all up to you whether you spend a whole year to achieve every hot springs, or try out 2 or 3 hot springs per day. Just don’t forget that the most important thing is to enjoy the hot spring.


Thank you Mr.Sato for answering the interview, we should be more proud of hot spring in Beppu right? We are sure that now you are really keen to go try out every hot springs in Beppu… Get your Spa-Port and the Onsen-Book to become a fabulous Onsen expert! 

別府八湯温泉道 名人会のhpはこちら!イベントや名人からのコメントなどたくさんの情報が掲載されています。

Their official website of 別府八湯温泉道 is below. Several events and some interesting story by experts are written here.


This URL includes information of Onsen facilities by Organization of 別府八湯温泉道. Check it out now.


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