【Miss Universe】飯田葉月さんにインタビュー!!-2/2

さて、ミス・ユニバース大分代表 飯田葉月さんへのインタビュー、後半いってみましょう〜!!前半をお読みでない方はこちらから ^^

Alright, the last part of Hazuki Iida's interview! If you haven't seen the first part, then click the link below ↓

【 https://apufreemagazine.themedia.jp/posts/378950 】



B: So I think everyone is interested in your diet… I feel like you dropped down a lot of weight, so how did you do that? 

H: Well I love eating with friends, so that was really hard to change my diet. I am trying to live by 800 calories a day!



B: 800 calories… can you describe what it’s like?

H: equal to 4 avocados. 2 bags of chips, and then you’re done. Ahaha. I eat nuts and dried fruits for snack, because if I leave too many hours between each meal, the body would try to absorb all the calories. I recommend eating sweet potatoes! (one per day though). If I get really hungry, I survived by eating Salad chicken.



Wow, very stoic! I asked her example of one-day-meal.

朝 Breakfast

・ 雑穀米60g!炭水化物は朝のこれだけ。 Brown rice 60g. Only carbohydrate of the day.

昼 Lunch 

・ 鯖の塩焼き ・きんぴらごぼう ・ブロッコリーなどの色の濃い野菜 ・納豆 Saba (grilled fish), Steamed vegetables, Broccolis etc, Natto (beans)

夜 Dinner

食べないことが多かったそうです!! She didn’t eat most of the days!!



葉:これはママが教えてくれました^^ 食事も野菜中心にしてくれたりして本当にサポートしてくれました。

H: And I drink 2 litters of water everyday! I bring 1 litter bottle of normal water, and 500ml of water with 2 drops of herb oil (which helps me from feeling hungry).

B: (I get a sip) It tastes like gum… But if you get used to it, I guess it’s good! Did you learn this from Beauty Camp or specialists?

H: Well, I got this idea from my mom! She supported me by making my dinner full of vegetables and supported me throughout!


She also has an older, nice Korean boyfriend! He has been supporting her throughout!


H: We used to eat together, but then I started this, so he started making me healthy meals. He’s really good at cooking! When I really wanted to eat something sweet, he made me Patbingsu, Korean shaved ice! 

感動的な話ですね・・・!!!ちなみに、今一番食べたいものは天丼だとか。でも、今食べたものが1週間後の体に出るからと言い聞かせて我慢しているそうです!とってもきつそう>< なんとこの食生活で2ヶ月で9キロも落としたそうです!!

Wow, very nice story…! By the way, she said she wants to eat Tendon the most right now. But she says that everything she eats now will show up in body one week later. Wow, very strict… She lost 9 kilograms in just 2 months!





B: So what changed within you throughout this challenge?

H: Well I lost a lot of weight and my posture got better! And I became really confident. I got to learn things that I didn’t know, so that was helpful in becoming confident.

B: Tell me what you’re thinking regarding March 1st’s Miss Japan! H: I want to win and go to the world! There are voting, so I’ll be thankful for every votes^^


葉: うーん、「挑戦」です!本当に美しい人って、外見だけじゃなくて内面から美しさが出ているんだって今回の経験で気づかされました。それにはもちろん知識も必要だし、自分からどんどん挑戦していかないとなにも変わらないと思います。

編: 読者の皆さんに何かメッセージはありますか?

葉: これから大分県の代表として頑張ってまいりますので、どうか応援をよろしくお願いします。頑張ります!

B: Oh wow, APU will definitely cheer for you! Lastly, what is “Beauty” for you?

H: Well, I think it’s a “Challenge!” Real beautiful person is beautiful not just by appearance, but also inside is beautiful. I realized this through this unique experience. Of course that needs full of knowledge and people need to change through number of challenges.

B: Do you have any message to the readers?

H: I will do my best as an Oita representative, so please cheer for me! I will try my best and go far as possible!


Hazuki-san has a beautiful smile and Beppaper was able to relax and interview. Let’s all cheer for her and wish her best! We will deliver you more on how to vote and we will write about Miss Universe Japan, so please check those out!


いつもBeppaper の記事を読んでくださってありがとうございます!Beppaperでは読者のみなさんのご意見を募集しています。こんな取材をしてほしい!こんな記事が読みたい!こんなすごい人があるよ!このお店がオススメ!など意見があればどんどん教えてください!!

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