


そーた: 2回生、A型のきたしまそうたです!

Sota: Hello! my name is Sota Kitashimma. I am 2nd year student and my blood type is A.

べ: インタビューしたバル君がごり押しのそーた君ですが、今までAPUでどんな活動をしてきたんですか?

そ:今まではGASS, Summer Camp TA, FLAG, そして今ワークショップのTAをしています。

B: So, Balrj was talking about you a LOT! what did you do in APU so far?

S: I am doing GASSM Summer Camp TA, FLAG, and Work shop TA.



B: you are still 3rd semester student right? how come you decided to join this many activities?

S: When i was in HS, I joined the Summer Camp and my TA was just AWESOME!! At that time I made my goal in APU which is "I will become like him in APU!" I still respect him.



B: Oh isn't it Ako? me too! i really like Ako! so, which activities did you find the hardest?

S: FLAG and Summer Camp TA. In FLAG, i had to do so many things that some times I didn't even have any day off in a week. For the Summer Camp TA, actually i was the only one 1st year TA so it was really challenging for me to keep up with other older TAs. In fact, I learned a lot by suffering so its all good after all. Especially FLAG had so many active people from many communities in APU so it was so interesting to make new friends there. 



B: Do you have any advices to those new students who are trying to join the activities ir organizations?

S: just TRY!!! don't regret before challenging, if you try something, you will learn something for sure!



B: yeah true true! i think so too. Even the result was not good, people can learn a lot by challenging. So, you did bunch of activities in APU so far. Do you have any plans for this year?

S: Actually, I don't have much experiences out side of Japan. I went to Taiwan with other GASS members this spring but it was my very first time to go abroad! I will try to visit many countries as possible during I'm studying in APU!



B: do you have any particular countries you want to visit? 

S: I want to go to Africa! I should like to see the nature in by eyes and also I'm interested in supporting education in developing countries. I am thinking to join the volunteering in developing countries. This year, APU will not offer summer camp and I will have time so i am planning to go somewhere!


B; はかせです!






B; yes yes please do! and enjoy! could you choose the next person to interview??

S: HAKASE (Doctor)

B: what? HAKASE?

S: oh that is his nick name. his real name is Yutaro Takeshita. his way of spending time in his life is really interesting and he has his own opinion that other students cannot change his mind! I think that is really cool! 

B: I see. I am looking forward to meet him! Thank you Sota!


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