Got Talented in APU! 第一弾!


今回は新シリーズ,”Got Talented in APU!!”の第1弾!APUの中で隠れていてあまり知られていないけど、実はすごい人をピックアップして紹介していきたいと思います!

Hello, guys! It`s becoming hot, but don`t get sick! By the way, this is new series “Got Talented in APU!!” which is written about the student who has some talents!

さてさて、今回のゲストは江口 香瑠(えぐち かおる)さんです!どんな人なのでしょうか!?なんだかおしゃれで少し怖い雰囲気、、、So today`s guest is Kaoru Eguchi! He seems like so fashionable and a bit scary…


Beppaper=B, Kaoru=K




香:イメージ通りですか??笑 小中と家にテレビがなくて本ばかり読んでいてその影響かなと思います。


香:はい!とりあえず1回生はずっとバスケをしていました(笑)2回生はバディとOne`s oneフェアトレードという団体で活動をしてきました。夏休みにはフィリピンのセブ島で現地の生産者の人と一緒に商品開発をしました!

B: Hello,please introduce yourself!

K: I`m Kaoru Eguchi, APS 3rd year! I`m from Tokyo, and my hobby is something that feels creativity like Fashion, movie, and music.

B: Oh...., creativity!? You are just as I`ve imagined.

K: Really? Because I had no television in childhood so I often read books, I guess that lead to my hobby, maybe,,,

B: I see, it`s so surprising that you grow up without TV!!! Any activities in APU?

K: When I was the first grade, I had played basketball all day long. Since second grade, I have been engaged in the APU BUDDY, and a circle, One's one for fair trade. In the activities, I have been to The Philipines and tried the product development with the local producer.



B: You became more active since you were second-year students, aren’t you?! Are there any reasons?

K: I wonder if it is because of girlfriend. I got along with her through basketball. After dating her I was influenced by her action and thoughts.



B: How awesome she and you are! You guys are the ideal couple in APU! What kind of activities do you do recently?

K: Now, I’m really effort to establish fashion brand online in June, and besides, I am organizing a fashion event “Beppu fashion day” in July.



B: Can I ask it in detail?

K: It sounds like an announcement..., but  I am trying to establish my fashion brand while procuring fund through crowdfunding and studying skills and knowledge of fashion now.



B: Cool! You really love fashion! What made you think about starting your fashion bland up?

K: I realize the other side of fashion industry which looks like brilliant while taking part in fare trade. That is why I thought I want everybody to know my thoughts by making clothes which is not only fashionable but also have message. For that reason, I study fashion and work but am short of funds so I am procuring funds bi crowdfunding. It costs seventy thousounds to make clothes from sewing machine. I am saving food expenses but I don’t want to be downsized sphere of activity because of lack of money.



B: Thanks to your passion. Lastly, let me know your dream.

K: I want to be a fashion designer in the future. Concept won’t change. Clothes which I make have originality and message, and I’d like to make my bland be showcased in Paris Fashion Week.



B: Your current action connects to dream. Thank you so much for Today!

K: Thanks!




In addition, He will stay in England as an exchange student to study fashion and business this summer. He is energetic and cool and focusing on his goal directly! Hope for his future success! Actually, I imagined him to be bit scary, but he is frank and enthusiastic. By all means, let’s talk to him if you are interested in what he does or like fashion!



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