春休み企画!! 最近の個人エピソードをメンバーから聞いてみた! Part2





Hello! This is Kazuma and I had many events in March like moving to Beppu and other things.

We can feel spring is coming through some views and temperature.

For this article, we gathered some memories and experiences of 3 members during spring vacation.

Please read it all!


I took this picture at a park near Shinoyu on March 25th. Half of the cherry blossoms were in bloom.



今回は下に水平に埋まっている親知らず2本を一度に抜くということで、めちゃくちゃビビりかつ痛みに超弱いわたしは手術当日までずっと憂鬱でした笑 実際のところ眠っている間に処置は終わっていたので、思っていたより全然痛みもなく終わってよかったです(そう、ビビリなわたしは局部麻酔じゃなくて眠るタイプの麻酔で手術受けましたよ、だって怖いから)。一回に二本抜いたので入院していたんだけど、手術そのものよりもその後の方がずっと大変でした汗 一日目は全然腫れなかったのに、2日目からどんどん顔が四角になって言って、みんなから常にアプリのフィルターかけてるみたいだねって言われたりしました笑 5日目にしてついに顔が四角くなくなってきてとっても嬉しいです☺️


Hi it’s Risa

I finally have had the wisdom teeth removal (which I have been talking about to some of my friends for so long) last week. Bye-bye wisdom teeth~

It had been quite a bit depressing in a way until the operation day, since I was too scared and so not tolerant to any pain. The operation was planned to pull two of my wisdom teeth out during the same operation so it doubled my fear for sure. It was such a relief afterwards, that it did not cause any pain during the treatment because it was done while I was sleeping (Yes, I chose to have the operation with not just a normal local anaesthesia but venous anaesthesia which makes you sleep because why not?). I had to stay at the hospital for two nights after the operation, and realised that is not the actual operation causes any pains or discomfort but it is post-operation period does. My face didn’t get swollen on the first day, but after a night, it started being swollen and getting rectangular. Some of my friends and family said that I looked like I was using filters from some app. Now it is the fifth day since the operation and my face looks finally normal, not rectangular with whatever the face filter.

Though I’m done with the operation itself, I still have to go to the dentist for the stitch removal which I am scared of now, but anyway I hope It’d be fine!



先輩のお友達が結成している”Art Building”というバンドの写真撮影に同行出来たことが一番刺激的な体験でした。鹿児島市内のセレクトショップや雑貨屋さん、写真展などに赴き、“自分の好きを貫く人達”と沢山交流することができました。


Art Buildingボーカルの前田さんが「Art Buildingという活動を通して、“真実と向き合った先にあるその人の主観は全肯定されるべきである”ということを伝えたい」と語っていたのが1番胸に刺さりました。私も、自分の好きなことや今やっている活動をもっと深めていきたいなぁ〜

Art Buildingの楽曲、由来、コンセプトなど全てがとっても素敵なので、気になる方は下のURLからチェックしてください!

Art buildingのアーティスト写真です!This is a promotional photo of Art Building.





Hi~~ It’s Haga. I had a Kagoshima trip with my friend on this vacation.

We stayed at my senpai family’s house. We were able to enjoy this trip.

First day, we accompanied Senpai and his friends who are in the music band” Art Building” to take pictures. It was the most exciting experience for me. They went to stylish places such as a select shop, general store, and exhibition of photographs. I chat with those who pursue their own sense, so I get motivation from them. Someone who is pushing straight towards one thing is the best!!! I wanna try my hardest like them!!!

Mr. Maeda who is vocalist of Art Building said” We tell audiences that when you are faced with the truth, your subjectivity should be affirmed.” I wanna do more deeply my activities and cultivate my sensitivity.

If you interested in Art Building’s music, origin, and concept, please click URL ne~~~

This trip, I have one more favorite place KAGOSHIMA. Next time, I will go to Yakushima, the crater of Sakurazima!

This semester, I’m gonna study at Ritsumeikan University. Let’s do our best together ne~~~ GANBAROOO!!!

Art BuildingのURL:https://artbuilding1234.wixsite.com/art-building

Art BuildingのMV:https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=IiNguPMAgNo








Hi, this is Kazuma.

I started to live in Beppu individually from March, since I moved to Beppu I have felt various things. I will introduce that.

Surprisingly, I got on the same airplane with CONSADOLE Sapporo soccer players and staff like Mr. Mihailo Petrovic and coaches. I knew Consadole refrain from doing fan service to prevent catching COVID-19. So that I couldn’t take pictures with them. I remembered this excited situation in my heart because it was the first time to see and encount to famous sports players.

A few days later after arriving in Beppu, I forgot to close the freezer and it was open for almost 1 day. I had to clean up the water to avoid breaking it, it tooks few hours. Luckily, the fridge is working well. Now, I switched my mind. It was lucky because I was not busy that day.

Other sad things happen, I have hay fever. Usually, this symptom appeared in June because I was living in Hokkaido. However, I’m at Beppu now, I’m feeling hard.

Now, I’m excited to live in Beppu because I could meet with my friend who I only talk online and I went to Onsen~ Through that, I felt I could start my university life.

I will prepare for April~







We could make so many kinds of memories during the spring vacation~

Thank you for reading our article!

We separate into 2 teams and post the personal episod each month. Did you enjoy reading it?

I hope you will enjoy the remaining spring vacation!

That’s all for this article, Please look forward to the next article!


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